Maintain your NSW Fair Trading real estate license

BrainCog makes it easy for property agents and managers in to maintain their required CPD points by completing online exams and assessments created by their employers or registered training organisations (RTO).

From 1 January 2008, CPD activities earn you either 1, 2 or 3 points per hour. You must undertake activities related to at least one of 15 Continuing Professional Development topics to make up 12 points per year. However, if you have already earned CPD points under the current system toward your 2008 renewal, these points can be used to satisfy your 2008 renewal requirements.

Lunch and travel time do not count towards points.

Up to 11 surplus CPD points earned in a year can be carried forward for 12 months. Some CPD must be done each year.

1 point per hour learning

You can earn a maximum of 4 points a year doing 1 point per hour learning. To earn 1 point per hour, the learning must:

  • relate to one of 15 topics
  • have an identifiable learning outcome, which means you are able to say what it is you have learned
  • be interactive, which means you must participate to complete your learning - taking a BrainCog exam qualifies as interactive
  • be delivered as a course, workshop, trade session, forum or conference as either an online or e-learning activity or a face-to-face activity where you participate in person
  • be delivered by an organisation or person with specialist industry expertise.

2 points per hour learning

To earn 2 points per hour, the learning must:

  • relate to one of 15 topics
  • have an identifiable learning outcome, which means you are able to say what it is you have learned
  • be interactive, which means you must participate to complete your learning
  • be delivered as a course, workshop, trade session, forum or conference as either an online or e-learning activity or a face-to-face activity where you participate in person
  • be delivered by an approved industry association or Government agency.

3 points per hour learning

To earn 3 points per hour, the learning must:

  • relate to one of 15 topics
  • have an assessable learning outcome (the learning is linked to a relevant national training package or an Australian university qualification)
  • be delivered online or face-to-face by an Australian university or a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

Get your employer or RTO to create online exams with BrainCog to maintain your CPD quota.


Need help or have questions? [email protected]